Cancer Patients Enrolled In Clinical Trials Do Better When They Receive Palliative Care
Tuesday, May 21, 2002
Researchers argue quality-of-life issues need more attention in clinical trials
(ORLANDO, Fla.) -- Contrary to common wisdom, cancer treatment is
not disrupted -- but may be enhanced -- when interventions designed
to improve patients' physical, functional, emotional and social well-being
are provided during clinical trials, according to a study by researchers
at the UC Davis School of Medicine and Medical Center.
The study was presented here Tuesday morning at the annual meeting
of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.
"In the past, it's been an either-or situation: Seriously ill patients
have been told they can have a clinical trial or they can go home
and focus on quality of life," said Frederick J. Meyers, professor
and chair of internal medicine at UC Davis School of Medicine and
Medical Center and director of the West Coast Center for Palliative
Education and Research.
"In our opinion, that's not an acceptable choice. Why can't patients
have both?"
To answer this question, Meyers and his colleagues compared two groups
of cancer patients enrolled in phase I and phase II clinical trials
of investigational chemotherapy treatments. All of the patients had
a prognosis of less than one year to live.
One group of patients received the investigational chemotherapy protocol
only. Patients in the other group received palliative care in addition
to the investigational treatment. Quality-of-life assessments were
administered monthly to all patients.
In the palliative care group, a nurse and social worker made regular
home visits to patients, and also accompanied patients to their clinic
appointments. At these visits, the nurse and social worker emphasized
symptom management, emotional support and discussion of end-of-life
At the end of the seven-month study, patients in the treatment-only
group scored lower on quality-of-life measurements than they had when
they entered the study, while patients in the palliative care-plus-treatment
group scored higher. In addition, patients in the palliative care
group were more likely to finish all of their chemotherapy cycles.
And more palliative-care patients were referred to hospice.
"Patients, families and physicians can address palliative care and
disease-directed treatment simultaneously, without disruption of care,"
said Meyers, who is also medical director of the hospice program at
UC Davis Medical Center.
The study was supported by a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's
Promoting Excellence in End of Life Care initiative.
According to Meyers, combining investigational and palliative care
would represent a significant change in the culture of most cancer
centers -- but the change is needed. "Quality of life issues often
go un-addressed by cancer centers around the country," he said.
"This model of simultaneous investigational and palliative care emphasizes
patient choice -- and is superior to the current, sequential approach,"
he concluded.
With a $2.5 million National Institutes of Health grant, Meyers will
now conduct a larger, multi-institutional study of this simultaneous
care model. That study will get under way later this year.
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