Planning > Compensation from the Asbestos Industry
Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer which is associated with exposure to asbestos. Those who are diagnosed most often worked in construction trades, or at industrial sites such as shipyards, power plants, refineries, paper mills, manufacturing plants, and foundries. Many Navy retirees who served their country proudly aboard ships in World War II and Korea were exposed to asbestos as machinist mates, firemen, and boiler tenders. Wives were exposed when they did the laundry of husbands who brought asbestos fibers into the home on work clothing. Because of the long latency period involved in asbestos cancer (mesothelioma), those exposed to products in the 1940s, 50s, 60s, and early 70s, are just now being diagnosed.
People are often surprised to find out that compensation may be available to mesothelioma victims from the asbestos industry. This compensation can provide financial security and allow for peace of mind while families try to come to terms with the results of a mesothelioma diagnosis.
It has been proven in part through internal company documents, in part through the testimony of company employees, and in part through medical literature compiled by these companies, that product manufacturers were aware of the dangers of asbestos as early as the 1920s. For over 50 years, until the government stepped in the1970s, manufacturers actively conspired to keep their knowledge of the hazards of asbestos secret. Now, many of these manufacturers are willingly negotiating settlements.
Mesothelioma Aid Support Topics
Financial Planning for Cancer Patients
Free Information Packet on Mesothelioma
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**(Packet includes information on treatment, clinical trials, cancer links, how to access legal and financial resources, and frequently asked legal questions with answers provided by Cooper, Hart, Leggiero & Whitehead, PLLC). By filling out the above form you consent to being contacted by Cooper, Hart, Leggiero & Whitehead regarding potentially retaining legal services.