Support > Support Services at Major Cancer Centers

Major cancer centers in the United States offer support services for cancer patients and their families.

M. D. Anderson Cancer Center

The Anderson Network, a group of over 1,300 current and former cancer patients, offers support and understanding to others now facing cancer. The contact number is 1-800-345-6324.

M. D. Anderson also offers many general cancer support groups for patients, families and caregivers. Some groups are limited to M. D. Anderson patients, others are open to anyone.

Warmnet is an online support and information source for cancer patients, families and caregivers. To subscribe, send an e-mail to: In the body of the message type: subscribe warmnet

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

For those treated at Sloan-Kettering, a Patient-to-Patient Program is offered which enables current patients to speak with volunteers who were once cancer patients themselves.

Also offered is a Post-Treatment Resource Program which provides individual, family and group counseling services, seminars and workshops, as well as an information helpline and lending/reference library. This program is open to all former cancer patients and their families, including those treated outside of Sloan-Kettering. For information, call (212) 717-3527.

Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center

Cancer patients, including those with mesothelioma, undergoing treatment at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center can find support through the "You Are Not Alone" program. This group matches newly diagnosed cancer patients with others, ideally of the same age, diagnosis and/or gender, who have already been through the experience. Services offered include sitting with patients during chemotherapy, waiting with patients before radiation treatments, visiting patients before and after surgery, meeting patients at the doctor's office and talking with patients on the phone. If you are planning treatment at Columbia-Presbyterian, call (212) 305-9700, and enter the (*) sign. When asked to enter the desired address, enter 80099. Leave your name, phone number, diagnosis and requirements for a partner (i.e., age, gender). Your call will be returned.

Johns Hopkins Cancer Center

Johns Hopkins offers a range of programs and services designed to support and counsel cancer patients, families and caregivers. For information contact the Oncology Social Work Department at (410) 955-8934.

H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center

No information available.

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Dana-Farber offers "One-on-One: The Cancer Connection", for patients and their families who are dealing with cancer. Composed of cancer survivors and family members who have completed specialized training, this program deals with issues surrounding cancer diagnosis and treatment from someone who has had a similar experience. To contact the "One-on-One" program, call (617) 632-5570.

Duke University Medical Center

Duke offers a Cancer Patient Support Program. For more information, call (919) 684-4497.

University of Washington Medical Center

No information available.

University of Chicago Medical Center

No information available.

Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute

The Institute offers educational and supportive programs to cancer patients and their families to help cope with a cancer diagnosis. Lists of Karmanos and community-based services are available by calling the Patient & Family Support Services Department at 1-800-KARMANOS.

Free Information Packet on Mesothelioma

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**(Packet includes information on treatment, clinical trials, cancer links, how to access legal and financial resources, and frequently asked legal questions with answers provided by Cooper, Hart, Leggiero & Whitehead, PLLC). By filling out the above form you consent to being contacted by Cooper, Hart, Leggiero & Whitehead regarding potentially retaining legal services.